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Tuesday, January 13, 2009
11:47 AM




Wednesday, January 07, 2009
1:27 AM




Monday, January 05, 2009
2:30 AM

time for the new. moving to xanga already. will post the link here when i've done it up nicely!

all i can say is, ceedoh!

Friday, December 26, 2008
1:58 AM

yeah haven't posting yet again. hmm, i just realised, i have loads of projects due soon and lots of decisions to make, honestly!

but firstly, wishing everyone A very Happy Christmas & A Merry New Year!

secondly, yes there's been lots and loads of things happening, just really really busy to update. but thanks to all of you people whom you know you are, for making this year such a great one! not forgetting you poops. (:

and, i might move to xanga soon! maybe, just a thought! hmm.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
12:14 AM

Under-21 Ultimate Freezebee

NYP Dong - SemiPro Division Champions

NYP Nan - SemiPro Division 3rd Place

NYP Xi - Novice Division Champions

NYP Bei - Novice Divion 3rd Place

i was part of NYP Xi, and i really felt very happy when i did not let down my team. We started off quite bad with a loss in the 1st game, but what was good was that we managed to get our act together, and started playing as a team, all the way to the finals.

the finals, we were winning like 3-1 in the start, and somehow we managed to become 4-5 losing in the late late stages of the game. just nice it was announced the time cap for the game, and we scored the last point in the time cap! 5-5. and the universal point, meaning the winning point was played for! and we won 6-5. phew! the pressure during that last point was so much, i really promise we will all remember it for quite a while. zomg would be quite a good word to describe how we felt while swinging the disc around for a long time before scoring the final point. 6-5, we win. yay! haha.

NYP Xi. glad i was with you guys!

the whole NYP family. you guys are great man! congrats to everyone because all of us did bring home a medal, and much more valuable experience and lessons to learn from!

good job everyone!

Sunday, May 25, 2008
12:54 AM

well its been a while since i posted. hmm. let me remember.

well the closest i can remember to is jam & hop which was in my school. it was totally awesome. quite fun man! :D and the sound system were crazy! it was boom-ing.

and then we handed up our Internet & Web Technologies project earlier on the same day, friday. we were super relieved. it really took hard work man. :/ because we didn't concentrate at all. haha.

and i just wasted the whole of today. studied only a little. couldn't really concentrate. and was damn tired too. so i slept and played css.

in the night you were supposed to call me. you told me 15 mins but it came 1 hour late. if you were sleeping it's alright. but what were you doing? its an awesome feeling. thanks for making me feel like that. again.

oh you were misunderstood. sorry.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
2:40 AM

let's see.

i stayed over at mike's house on sunday night. because this morning, we had an event for the little primary 3 children, who were going to receive their first holy communion. i slept at around 5am. and woke up at 7.30am. jaytee is officially a retard, stayed up the whole night playing pokemon on the gameboy. haha.

the children were quite enthusiastic and fun. overall the event was alright.

then we went to junction 8 for lunch. and i saw 3 ex montfortians : roy, gary and mattheus. and 1 guy from nyp too! my frisbee senior : tc.

got home, and slept becasue i was damn shag. and then played counter-strike source was dennis. whoa he's damn fierce. :/

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, i tried to do my statistics homework! with help of course. thanks you. (:

and there's frisbee tomorrow yay! :D i hope mich's wrist will be alright.

going to crash soon. nights. (:

sometimes life gets real confusing. well, go figure.